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UltiTutor Learning Agreement

Please read our policies below carefully. Cancellation fees, billing information, and other important topics are covered.

Getting Started: After you have purchased a block of hours, we will arrange the best-matching tutor. This process may take up to a few days, but often requires less. We will do our best to ensure the tutoring times fit into your schedule as closely as possible, although we cannot guarantee specific session times or days, nor can we guarantee a specific type of tutor (age, gender, nationality etc...) Your tutor’s availability may change after a period of time, in which case UltiTutor will find a suitable replacement tutor, subject to availability.

The Tuition Course: Different Tutors have different teaching methods and styles. One of the primary benefits of private tuition is that the Tutor can tailor his/or her method to the needs of the individual student in a way that cannot be achieved in the larger group classroom setting. There is no set pattern or material for private tuition. Every student is an individual, and student and Tutor need to find their best approach together. The background information given before starting is of great help and the Tutor will ask for any additional information needed.

Please ensure that tuition can be conducted in a quiet atmosphere conducive to concentration on the tuition involved. Provision of exercise books and textbooks is usually the responsibility of the client.


Tuition normally consists of two-hour sessions. Shorter or longer sessions should be agreed in advance between client and UltiTutor.

At the start, it can be difficult to determine how much tuition a student requires. UltiTutor tries to be as flexible as possible as it is important to get the balance right for you or your child. Some parents use private tuition as a year round supplement to their child's education. For others, just a few sessions may be required as a top-up and confidence builder prior to an exam. All parents and students would like to see private tuition as a quick fix, in reality it is not. It can take time for trust and rapport to be built between Tutor and child. UltiTutor will endeavour to find a suitable match between the Client and Tutor taking into account the Tutors available to UltiTutor, and your individual requirements, which you communicated to us prior to our assignment to you of a Tutor.

Customer Accounts: You will be assigned a TutorPanel online tutor management system account. The hours record will be available to you on our online TutorPanel system. It is your responsibility to ensure that the lesson date and duration is
correct. Occasionally this may include extra session time beyond your regularly scheduled session duration. If you do not wish to be billed for overtime, please notify us by e-mail before your first session, and we will instruct our tutor to end the sessions at the regularly scheduled time. Lesson-by-lesson progress report is also recorded on TutorPanel. If you would like to speak with the tutor, please feel free to call or email our tutors at a mutually convenient time after class.

Replenishing your account: We will try to let you know at least one week before your account balance reaches zero so you can make arrangements to replenish your account. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure your account balance does not go to zero, at which point tutoring sessions will be suspended without notice until payment is received. Please replenish your account at least 7 days before your account balance reaches zero to persevere your normal tutoring time slot. Upon resuming the tutoring sessions either after replenishing your account or after a holiday or after a break, UltiTutor cannot guarantee your normal tutoring schedule will still be available.

Homework: Although we work within the school curriculum, we do not do homework or assignment questions that are meant to be the student's own work.

Extra Session booking: If you would like to book our tutors for extra tutoring sessions either once-off or long term in addition to the normal weekly sessions, please inform us by email at least 7 days in advance. We will do our best to arrange extra sessions for you but due to high demand of our tutors, we cannot guarantee your booking.

Scheduling & Cancellations: UltiTutor is committed to offering flexible options to meet your needs. In order for our instructors to have sufficient time for planning, preparation, and accommodating other clients, we ask that you set a standard time if you meet regularly, or schedule at least 7-days in advance if you meet irregularly. Scheduling changes require sufficient advance notice. Scheduling changes or rescheduling of any kind made fewer than 24-hours in advance will be charged at 50% of the original session length. This policy does NOT apply to partial changes. For example, if a session is shortened, you will be charged in full.

If you must cancel a session, we ask that you provide at least 24-hours notice to UltiTutor by email; otherwise your account will be debited for the hours of the tutoring session without notice. If our tutors are not able attend a tutoring session, we will also inform you before the schedule session so that you can request to arrange a make-up class either before or for after the cancelled session.

Because of the time that instructors invest in coming to your home, sessions are a minimum of 2-hours. Because driving/travelling times can be difficult to estimate with precision in Shanghai, please anticipate that sessions may run a +-15 minutes ahead or behind of your target schedule and plan accordingly.

Tuition stopped-by Tutor: If a Tutor, for any reason, has to stop tuition mid-course, UltiTutors will endeavour to replace that Tutor as soon as possible, subject to availability, in order to minimise disruption to the student's progress.

Tutor change: UltiTutor will send the best-matching tutor and will not under any circumstance approve request to change tutor with less than 10 hours of tutoring session with a particular tutor. UltiTutor will grant a change of tutor on valid academics grounds only. You must submit the marks/grade of your child's last three official class tests or last two mid-term exams. UltiTutor will consider a tutor change only on a case-by-case basis and will only do so as a last resort.

Payment: Fees for tuition is payable three days before commencement of the first class through bank transfer. In an unlikely event that UltiTutor cannot send you a suitable tutor when you still have balance in your account upon resuming tutoring session with at least 14-days of notice, UltiTutor will refund the remaining unused hours. We, however, will do our best to send you a tutor as soon as they become available.

Account Credit:  All blocks of tutoring hours that are must be used before their expiry date. Any hours remaining upon the expiry date will be deleted from your account and will not be redeemable. The expiry date is determined by the block of hours that you originally purchase. Blocks of 20 hours or less expire 4 months after the original purchase date, while blocks of 40 hours expire 8 months after original purchase, and blocks of 60 hours or more expire 12 months after original purchase.

Supervision: A parent or responsible adult must always be present during the tutoring sessions.

Copyright: All materials we create are copyright. You agree that you will not publish or distribute any portion of any materials without prior written permission from us.

Limitation of Liability: While the UltiTutor will endeavor to ensure the student makes satisfactory progress, this cannot be guaranteed, and the UltiTutor cannot be held accountable for the academic success or otherwise of the student. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the UltiTutor accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the UltiTutor’s services or any errors or omissions in the content of the UltiTutor’s learning materials.

PoliciesAny opinion expressed by a Tutor is not necessarily an expression of the opinion of UltiTutor.

© UltiTutor 2007

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