We accept only the best, the brightest, and the most experienced tutor applicants, and better tutors means better results.
In contrast to all tutoring companies, who boast of having many of "native english speaking or expat" tutors (as a result of accepting nearly every application they receive), we offer you only the finest tutors in your area. We accept a very small percentage of tutor applications, and every tutoring candidate must pass a rigorous recruitment process include subject-testing and tutor training with our hiring manager before he/she can become an official member of the UltiTutor Tutoring Team.
Because we are so selective, we must sometimes turn away students because of high demand for our best tutors. However, we would rather turn away a student than provide that student with anything less than stellar instruction.
Once tutors are hired, we continue to monitor and evaluate them on a regular basis, and all UltiTutor tutors must consistently demonstrate excellent results in order to remain a part of our team. It is our job to make sure that you are happy with your tutoring situation, and our office staff is always available during business hours to address any questions or concerns that you may have.
Unlike the other tutoring companies, who prefer to withhold their tutors' full names and qualifications from their clients (usually to hide their lack of experience), we are more than happy to provide you with extensive details about our tutors' backgrounds, which you can always view for yourself by browsing our online tutor profiles. We strive to find you the perfect tutor, every time, and always seek to involve our clients in the process of selecting the right tutor or consultant.
We have always chosen to put quality over quantity when evaluating tutors, and we set our hiring standards very high. Thus, you will find that our tutors are well-educated and very experienced; many have master's degrees, professional degrees, and even Ph.D.s in the subjects that they teach, in addition to exceptional test scores and multiple years of tutoring experience.
Because our tutors are the real deal, we get real results. The score improvements, college/university acceptance rates & overall test scores/GPAs of UltiTutor-taught students have been consistently among the best in the country. Feel free to read our student & parent Testimonials page to get an idea of what our former clients have had to say about our services.
We are also proud to say that for the second straight year, our excellent service has resulted in our past student joining our team and working for UltiTutor as tutors and as marketing directors.
We offer tutoring in nearly all subjects and tests, but we specialize in math and science tutoring.
Our founder, Ken Wang, is an IB tutoring expert, and as a result we have always been among the industry leaders in IB, AP, IGCSE and high school academic preparation. In addition to offering instruction in nearly every subject, for students of all ages, we also prepare students for the following standardized tests: SAT, ACT, ISEE, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, PSAT, PLAN, SSAT, & SHSAT.
In order to ensure the highest quality of academic tutoring and test preparation, all of our tutors are provided with top-quality educational materials, information and training. They are also required to have scored in 90% or above on any subject or standardized tests that they teach. Many of our tutors frequently score in the 99th percentile on these tests, and some have even achieved perfect scores.
We're Friendly, Easy-Going and Flexible. We understand your hectic schedule and always seek to earn your trust as a client.
All of our tutors are experts in the subjects they teach, but have been chosen for their affable personalities as much as their academic qualifications. Our job is to provide our students with top-notch instruction in a friendly, low-stress environment. Why pay thousands of Yuan up-front when you can try us for a fraction of the price? We let you pay as you go because our tutors are the best in the business. Our students see great results and return for more!
We're Affordable.
Many of our first-time clients are shocked at how affordable our tutors are. We charge up to 40% less than other tutoring companies of similar quality, and we never require payment for more than one lesson at a time. Also, your first hour of tutoring with us is 15% off, and we offer a money-back guarantee. Let us show you why our tutors are the best in the business, at a reasonable price.
If, after your first lesson with your tutor, you decide to commit to a prepaid package, we offer significant discounts of up to 25%, which can save you thousands of Yuan.
No marketing gimmicks or exaggerated score improvement claims, just great tutors and 100% transparency.
There are many tutoring / college consulting services out there, and most will promise you the moon and the stars, making exaggerated score improvement claims and professing to know the true secret to
acing exams and getting into the dream school of your choice.
Of course, no service can truly guarantee success, and if they say otherwise, don't believe it. The companies will make plenty of inflated score improvement claims, and satisfaction "guarantees," but make sure to read the fine print: these guarantees usually consist of little more than an overcrowded 2-hour review course if your score does not improve. And why would you trust the same company that wasn't able to improve your scores the first time around? Their teachers are often unsupervised, unprepared, and underpaid, and will force your student into a "one size fits all" method of tutoring that works for some but is very ineffective for most students. Furthermore, how many of these tutors have been socred high grade in these tests and exams themselves?
Click on photos read our success stories
Sounds like it might work. How do I get started?
Experienced, reliable, and trustworthy tutors, many of whom have graduated from the world's top colleges and graduate programs. Clients are encouraged to select their own tutors.
Flexible lesson times. Pay for one lesson at a time or save up to 25% on prepaid packages.
Affordable rates starting at RMB250/hr.
Proven results, with countless references from former students and parents. Tutors are carefully chosen, personally interviewed by our founder, and evaluated on a regular basis.
Other Test Prep / Tutoring Services
You are told very little about the available tutors and their experience/qualifications.
Low time flexibility, often must pay entire amount up-front.
As much as RMB800/hr for "premier" tutors with less experience.
You pay for the name recognition, and cross your fingers. Minimal training and quality control.
UltiTutor Tutoring vs. Our Competition
That is what we are here for! Simply contact us for a FREE, no obligation consultation or go directly and fill in our Needs Assessment Form and we will take care of everything and get back to you within 24hrs with a matching Ultimate Tutor! Below is a 4-step overall process of our tutoring process from signup to tutoring at your home.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Effective one-to-one tuition has to be properly tailored to meet the needs of your child. At UltiTutors this starts with the first phone call. We have a team of consultants who make sure they understand your requirements so they can find the right tutor for you.
Our consultant will take details of your requirements and some information about your child, their learning and school as well as explain our services to you.
Your consultant selects tutors with the experience, qualifications and approach to meet your needs. They liaise with them on your behalf to identify the right one for you and check they are available when you need them. You’ll usually receive a matching email with profile of the tutor in a few days and your consultant will stay in touch with you throughout the selection process. If you want to proceed then you make an payment. This is fully refundable if you do not wish to continue after the first class.
Once you accept a tutor and finalized payment, we will put the tutor in touch with you to organise the timing of your first session. At this session, your tutor will work with you and your child to understand any specific issues, assess ability levels and confirm what you want to achieve from the tuition. They will deliver a very personalised programme for your child.
Step 4
We contact you after your first session to make sure you are happy with the tutor and stay in touch with you throughout the tutoring programme to make sure you are fully satisfied with the service you are receiving.
So how much would you charge me?
UltiTutor is the most established professional tutoring service today. Why? Because unlike agencies and tutoring centers that spend millions on advertising, we put our marketing budget to work by offering far better prices on tutoring than they do. All we ask is that our users help spread the word - through Facebook, WeChat, Twitter, Linked In and word of mouth. It's a simple concept, but it's never been done before. And it's working, big time!
UltiTutor is built around the goal of helping our parents (UltiTutor clients) get "below-market" prices for world-class, certified tutors. To be eligible for the discounted package rates, just spread the word about UltiTutor and the special prices you've found! Contact us today and get a quotation based on your needs.
Private tutoring with UltiTutor
Nathan Qin is UltiTutor student working on IGCSE math.
Private tutoring with UltiTutor
Mouse over to read our success stories