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Complete various tutoring objectives to unlock badges with huge cash rewards!
Below are some of the current rewards offered - stay tuned as we continue to add more.

RMB 10

online tutors

UltiTutor Verified


Upload your transcript through the UltiTutor website

RMB 50

online tutors, IB math tutors



Complete your first tutoring 3 sessions successfully


tutors in shanghai, tutors in beijing



Complete 48hrs of tutoring in total


ap tutors in shanghai, ib tutors in beijing

The Veteran


Complete 72hrs of tutoring in total


IGCSE tutors in shanghai, IGCSE tutors in beijing

The Professor


Complete 96hrs of tutoring in total


IGCSE, AP, IB tutors.

The Master


Complete 48hrs of tutoring or more with the same student


SAT, SSAT tutors, home tutors.

The Grandmaster


Complete 72hrs of tutoring or more with the same student


SAT, SSAT tutors, in home tutors.

Power Month


Complete 16hrs of tutoring with the same student in a Month

RMB 50




Get your student to "like" UltiTutor on Facebook

The Traveller


Tutor a student that lives more than 2hrs away from you for 24hrs


RMB 50



Take a few photos with the student during the tutoring session and send to UltiTutor


The Professional


Complete 24hrs of tutoring without rescheduling/cancelling a class with the same student




Wear UltiTutor uniform to every tutoring session. Reward apply after every 24hrs of tutoring.


The All-Rounder


Pass 3 or more subjct tests and be able to tutor all these subjects


Campus Rep


Referral and recruit potential tutors to us. Reward apply for every successful recruitment

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